Williamson Kids

Williamson Kids
Having a great time on the trails

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Positive thinking brightens the day!

Today was a good day, however even good days can have a damper. Work was good. Training is going well. I will be happy when I can take what I have learned and put it to use. I spoke with my Biological father - Greg and he gave me the news today that he has stage 4 cancer. I can not tell you what the name of it is - since I do not remember the name because I did not write it down. When I find out - I will update and let you all know.

Greg's doctor told him today that he has anywhere from 8 months, to 2 years to live and that the type of cancer that he has is not heriditary (sp?) but from smoking for over 30 years. Greg quit smoking in June of 1998, however it is very possible that the damage was already done during the time that he was still smoking. He will start Radiation here within the next few weeks and then have chemo treatment after the radiation. He has two cancerous tumors on his brain, lungs, and kidney's and one tumor on his side and one on his liver. I will keep you posted on how things are progressing as I get more information.

Greg is in our prayers! This journey is not going to be easy - but we have been told time and time again that the many miracles happen every day! You never will know when it is your turn for the miracle this time! Our Heavenly Father knows who we are and how he can help us. We are his children - no matter what religion we are - Our Heavenly Father loves us all the same!

Greg - There are many of us cheering for your recovery - You are NOT alone!

I want to again let all of my Friends and Family know how thankful I am to have you all in my life!

You will never know when you will have the opportunity to touch a strangers life... even with a smile! Smile every day... You will be happier and brighten another's day with your "bright" smile!

Good Night All!


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