Williamson Kids

Williamson Kids
Having a great time on the trails

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Bentley & Lilly

Bentley and Lilly

This is Bentley, one of our beloved PUGS! Bentley is the first PUG that Darryle and I purchased. I must say that Bentley is the best behaved dog (most of the time) that I have ever owned. He is a big baby as you see below... He likes to be held like a baby. He is a cuddle bug. He loves attention!(like who doesn't like attention from mom and dad) He surely keeps us laughing and smiling from the silly things that he does - although I can not say that his partner in crime does not help that "silly disposition" at all... : ) Bentley will be 3 on June 10, 2008
This is Lilly, out little puppy, well not so much
although she has never quite grown out of the
puppy look... She is funny all day long. She has some spunk... she bunces off the walls most of the time... seriously! She will lick you over and over again.. and golly does she make you laugh. She will roll on her back and play with her toys all by herself. You gotta see it... it is too funny! Lilly will be 2 on November 13, 2007. We ended up getting Lilly so that Bentley would have a companion. We at times have regrets, but none large enough to want to send her to another home.... that would be unfair to Bentley. They are best of friends and play very well together. I love my PUGS and honestly think that they are one of the best pets to have! ( that may be slightly biast.. LOL)

Here is Bentley and Lilly at Cannon Beach with myself during my honeymoon in March 2007

Here is another pic of the pugs on our honeymoon after being on the beach! What great "rain" Jackets! Not sure where they will blend in with that PINK coat? But it was worth a try... and ohhh too cute to pass up! I love dressing them up... although D does not let me do that all so much.. : )

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